Dr. Mincheol Kim is a founding partner of GV IP Law Firm. He has extensive experience in prosecution,
invalidation search, FTO as well as litigation in the field of electrical engineering, including
telecommunications, computer science, semiconductors, medical devices and home appliances. He is also fluent
in English, Japanese, and Chinese with a strong
global network of professional contacts. Dr. Kim is the first non-Chinese PhD graduate from Beijing
University School of Law in Intellectual Property.
In his spare time, he enjoys swimming and playing the piano.
- KAIST, Electrical Engineering; B.S.
- KAIST, Visual Communications; M.S.
- Yonsei University Graduate School at Law, Intellectual Property; LL.M
- Beijing University School of Law, Intellectual Property; PhD (Early
graduation, Full scholarship)
Professional Experience (21 years)
- Advisory Committee Member of KIBO (Korea Technology Finance
- Patent System Committee Member of KPAA
- Director of APAA Korea Group
- Expert Commissioner of Court of Korea
- APAA Delegator in WIPO Meetings
- Director of AIPPI Korea Group
- Vice President of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies IP
protection committee
- Co-Chair of APAA Patent Committee
- Artificial Intelligence and Patents (AIPPI, Co-author) (2023)
- Overview on Objectivity for Reviewing Patent Inventive Step (Beijing
University) (2017)
- Comparative Study on IP Court (Beijing University IP Review 2014,
China) (2016)
- Interpretation of PBP Claims (Best Reviews of 2015 Case Law Review
Competition, KIPO) (2015)
- Review of Korean Patent Court (Technology and Law, China) (2015)
- Review of Patent Publication System (Best Essays of 2015 ACPAA IP
Forum, China) (2015)
- Grace Period in Japan and Korea (IP Prism, Japan) (2014)
- Software Protection in Korea (The Daily NNA, Japan) (2011)
- Study on Recent Cases Regarding Patent Eligibility of Computer-Related
Inventions in Japan (Intellectual Property 21, KIPO) (2011)
- Can a Patentee Obtain a Loan on the Security of a Patent in Korea? (The
Daily NNA, Japan) (2011)
- Principle of Superfluity Establishing on Patent Infringement Litigation
of China (Yonsei University) (2010)
- Layered video stream control using display time buffer (KAIST) (2001)
- Recognized in IAM: Global Leaders (2025, 2024)
- Recognized in IAM 300: World’s Leading IP Strategists (2024, 2023)
- Excellence Award winner at the 2015 IP Essay Contest of All China
Patent Attorney Association (2015)
- KIPO Commissioner Prize winner at the 2015 Case Law Review Competition
- First place winner at the 2014 China PhD Student IP Essay Contest
Speaking Engagements
- “Trend of Guidelines and Cases on Electronic Invention in Japan” (2010;
- "Recent Cases Regarding Patentable Subject Matter in Japan” (2011;
- “Harmonization on Patent System” (2013; the 1st JPO-SIPO-KIPO
Trilateral Symposium as a delegator of KPAA)
- “Control of IP Protection Level” (2015; Beijing University Graduate
Students Forum)
- “2nd Medical Use in Korea” (2015; the 5th China IP Symposium)
- “IP system in Korea” (2017; the AIPPI Trilateral Meeting)
- “Missing Parts on User Perspective” (2018; WIPO PCT Working Group
- “IP Protection on Korean Medicine” (2019; WFCMS IP Protection